We are grateful to end our month with our JOYsister Michelle from MommerForever on Instagram. We are inspired by her art and wisdom. We hope you will be too, as she shares about the ways she has been renewed. ~JOYsister Christine I was asked to contribute my thoughts on a word beginning with “re-“ meaning again & again, repeating, or repetition. The word RENEWAL came to me. With Easter being just a day away, I reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ so we could be at-one with Heavenly Father AGAIN someday. RENEWED. I’d like to share a journey of mine with you. I used to get so stuck in my junk. Like I just couldn’t do this or that, I wasn’t good enough or perfect enough, worthy enough, and I let that define me for a VERY long time. A VERY LONG TIME! I was sick because of it, I was paralyzed from progress because of it. How did I get out of this state of mind? I started to pray. I started doing ...