OLW One Little Word... Focus
Back in 2006 Ali Edwards started choosing a word that represented an intention for her year...she called it her One Little Word. I remember Ali doing a scrapbook page about her OLW in 2007 or 2008 in a scrapbooking magazine that I read and I decided to follow along. My word that first year (2008) was FORGIVE. I remember holding that word close and doing a lot with it that year. In years since I have chosen the words PEACE, CREATE, BALANCE, FAITHFUL, CULTIVATE, FOCUS, SHINE, DO, CONSECRATE and this year my word is THRIVE. At some point all of the JOYsisters joined in and now each of us chooses a word to serve as a mantra or guide for our year. Some of us still make resolutions, goals and plans that our word accompanies and helps us along. We will start out this new year by sharing each of our words with you and a little bit of the story behind them. First we will hear from JOYsister Salena. Maybe her OLW story will resonate with you. ~hh
OLW-One Little Word
One little word(s) can be impactful…if you allow them to, both good and bad. Back in 2012, I started picking OLW at the beginning of each year that I would use as an inspiration, a motto so to say for that year. In 2012 my OLW was Embrace. I wanted to fully embrace my life, my kids and husband, my faith. I wanted to be in the moment in all events. In 2013 my OLW was Content. My goal that year was to be content with what I had, period in all circumstance. 2014, was a rough start and I failed to choose a word, heck I was barely hanging on, I was lucky to even think clearly, let alone pick OLW. In 2015 my OLW was Kindness. Both my kids started public school that year after years of private school and all I wanted was my kids to show kindness to others and hopefully they would be treated with kindness as well. I too needed to show kindness to others. 2016 my OLW was Grace. Oh man, grace…we all need to extend grace to others as well as ourselves, “Grace Upon Grace.” 2017 my OLW(s) were Embrace & Empower. 2017 was the year I wanted to fully embrace who I was. I had just turned 40 and was entering a whole new phase of life. I wanted to embrace all aspects including my silver strands that I’ve had since I was 18. I wanted to empower other women to embrace their silver strands if they wanted to and to know that silver strands and age do not make you old! I have fully succeeded in embracing my life and the first year of my 40’s. My silver stands are so much more than what I had anticipated and am thankful I could empower other women to feel beautiful with silver hair as well. This bring us to 2018. This year my OLW is Focus. I want to, I need to focus in order to succeed in the goals I have. I want to end 2018 with the goals I have set completed because I was diligent and focused.
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